Our Services

With a steadfast commitment to excellence, Patrick Clancy Law proudly offers a comprehensive array of services designed to cater to your diverse needs. From seamless property Purchases, Sales, and Refinancing/Mortgages transactions, to empathetic assistance with Transfers to Death and Matrimonial Transfers.

  • Single-family (<$1M) – $1,049.00 ¹ ²

    Multi-residential (<$1M) (2 to 4 units) – $1,149.00 ¹ ²

    Mixed-use property (<$1M) – $1,349.00 ¹ ²

    Vacant land – $749.00 ¹ ²

    Cottage – $1,249.00 ¹ ²

    Draft Agreement of Purchase and Sale – $449.00

    Negotiation of Agreement of Purchase and Sale – Hourly rate³

    1. In addition to typical disbursements, purchases will also be subject to land transfer tax (to calculate LTT, click here) and the following (estimated) additional disbursements:

    • Title Insurance (for quote/estimate, click here)

    • Writ Searches ($20-$60)

    • Government registration costs for registration of Transfer and Mortgage(s) ($165)

    • Title Search (may be required) ($100-$300)

    • Tax Certificate ($55-$70)

    • Software Fee ($30-$100)

    • Office Admin Fee ($25-$50)

    • Bank Fees ($10)

    • For multi-residential and mixed-use properties, the following additional disbursements are also generally required:

    • Additional off-title searches (i.e., zoning, building, fire, unregistered utility easements, etc.) ($100/search)

    • Additional registration costs (i.e., assignment of rents, etc.) ($83/registration)

    2. Includes preparation of one standard mortgage

    3. Hourly rate is $225.00

  • Single-family (<$1M) – $949.00¹

    Multi-residential (<$1M) (2 to 4 units) – $1,199.00¹

    Mixed-use property (<$1M) – $1,249.00¹

    Vacant land – $675.00¹

    Cottage – $1,149.00¹

    Draft Agreement of Purchase and Sale – $449.00

    Negotiation of Agreement of Purchase and Sale – Hourly rate²

    Non-resident Vendor – Additional $399

    1. Includes one mortgage payout, additional payouts are $50.00 per payout

    2. Hourly rate is $225.00

  • Refinance – $899.00¹

    Construction Mortgage – $549.00 plus $125.00 per draw.

    Private Mortgage – Hourly rate¹

    Vendor Take-Back Mortgage – $375.00

    Mortgage Discharge – $375.00

    1. Hourly rate is $225.00

  • Survivorship Application – $299.00

    Transmission Application – $299.00

    Estate Transfers – Hourly rate¹

    1. Hourly rate is $225.00

  • Matrimonial Transfers – Hourly rate¹

    1. Hourly rate is $225.00

  • Title Transfer – Hourly rate¹

    Review of Title – Hourly rate¹

    Title Rectification – Hourly rate¹

    1. Hourly rate is $225.00

  • Bridge Loan – $250.00

    Additional Payouts – $50.00

    Review of Status Certificate for Condo – $225.00

    Notarization/Commissioner – $35.00 per document

The fees quoted are subject to HST and disbursements. All fees quoted above are for standard transactions. In the event of unforeseen issues that require significant time expenditure, additional fees will be billed at the hourly rate. Discussion with client will occur prior to additional fees being charged.

With you every step of the way